Innovation Encouragement

Throughout this entire process, I have had to truly remind myself that it’s ok when things go wrong!  There will always be something that can go wrong or interfere with progress.  The main thing to remember is to go with the flow and find a way around it (i.e. recording issues, nonstop construction noise, etc.).  Growth mindset – here we go!  Now is the time to go on a musical adventure!

Overall, I’m excited to get started on my plan proposal.  Being able to boost student engagement and motivation, while building 21st century skills and community connections and involvement, will be a great sight to see.  Students will be able to have choice and ownership through project-based learning in music.  They will be able to choose how to present their work and what interests them.  Through the projects, I hope to build a stronger connection to the community and what is culturally significant to the community.  Students will be able to create projects that include (but are not limited to): song parodies, song composition, cover songs, and music videos. 

Through the research, I have found there are many possibilities and benefits of project-based learning in and outside of the music classroom.  I’m looking forward to incorporating this and watching my students grow and learn from each other.  It will be encouraging to learn more about each and every student and learn their interests in order to build better relationships within the school.

While I know it is only the beginning of implementation, there is still a lot to learn from.  A lot to read.  A lot to plan.  A lot to document.  Here’s to creating a lifelong learner!