ePortfolio Platforms

Frustrated?  Confused?  Why did I decide to switch platforms?  All of these went through my head multiple times over the course of this class.  However, now that I decided to switch platforms, I can only say that I know I have grown in more ways than one.  I have learned to be more patient with things that haven’t been as easy as I thought they should be.  I have also learned that I can do anything I put my mind to, even if it takes me longer than I’d like.  The perfectionist inside me must constantly research to figure out how to get something to look the way I’d like as well!  Here comes the growth mindset…it may not be what I’d like it to be yet…but it will get there!  I know in the long run the switch to WordPress will be beneficial, both personally and professionally.  So, I will struggle or just be frustrated for a little while learning a new platform in order to have the best possible outcome I can.  Constant maintenance and posts will help to maintain the ePortfolio long after leaving the DLL program.  Getting into that habit now will lead to greater use in the future as well.