COVA Reflections

Looking back on my own personal education experiences, I had never heard of COVA.  However, once I began the DLL program and was exposed to the term, I realized that I’ve known it all along, I just never knew it had a name.  The COVA model gives a student choice over their work (how they want to present it, etc.), ownership over their learning, and voice in their work through authentic experiences.  With this model, students can have more freedom in what and how they learn. 


I love using the COVA model within my music classroom.  Oftentimes, this model helps to pull in the reluctant student because they have a choice over how they learn the material.  It is an excellent model to use with music composition and music appreciation aspects.  When my students are given choice over their learning, they have proven that they are capable of great things.  It gives them more confidence in their abilities and makes them more creative.