Building Blocks toward Execution

Throughout this course, I have learned many new skills that I look forward to incorporating into not only my initiative, but my everyday life.  As I started this journey, it began by taking small steps and have led to “building blocks” toward the final goal of execution.  Here are the steps I’ve taken in this course so far to get me to this stage in my project-based learning initiative:

Step 1: Understanding My Why – the Why, How & What for project-based learning in the music classroom

Step 2: Influencing Change – recognizing vital behaviors and the six sources of influence

Step 3: Implementing 4DX – setting goals in order to succeed while recognizing the five sources of change

Step 4: Having Crucial Conversations – learning these skills to aid in resistance to change will increase success, respect and collaboration

After working on each of these steps, that I’m sure I will keep adjusting along the way, I am looking forward to collaborating with my colleagues and students as we implement PBL into our music classrooms.  Will it be smooth sailing?  Absolutely not!  Change is rarely ever a smooth transition, but I look forward to learning and growing as this project does.